
On this page all downloads can be found, the reader can download my self-made (or refurbished) stickers and insert cards for their own use (for free). Below is a overview of the stickers and cards that can be downloaded.

  • All stickers and cards are made available on a Microsoft Office Word document. This in connection with the correct determination of the size. Office Word is therefore a requirement!
  • The stickers and cards are for personal use and should not be used for other (commercial) purposes!
  • I do not make stickers or cards on demand, what is available below is the offer. As I design new stickers or cards over time, I'll make them available below.
  • Be aware, use only the button below the image for the real file, the images shown below are only examples.
  • Some documents have multiple stickers and/or inserts, when printing select the right pages to print to save on paper use and ink. You can also re-arrange stickers to save on paper.
  • If you are interested, scroll down to the bottom of this page for the Playlist Template download

In addition to stickers and cards, there is also the do-it-yourself playlist maker. In other words, an Excel document that I made to calculate the times myself when making a playlist. Instructions are included on the Excel sheet. I offer these below for personal use. Of course it also applies here that it is not used for other (commercial) purposes.

Note, there are multiple tabs on the Excel sheet for different media types.